Ok, so I haven't posted in a couple of days and I have good reason... I'm busy and tired! I was off Wednesday(Day 7, Rest day) and Thursday(Chest and back, Day 8). Well Wednesday for my rest day I played softball for my Depts league team and I had Kennedy that night too. Thursday I had the range for my annual Qualls... I got home from a long hot day in the sun at 2230(10:30) that night! To say that I was beat down is an understatement! I bagged the chest and back workout! "OH NO" you say?! Don't worry, I doubled up the next day, so Friday not only did I do Chest and Back, but I also did my PLYOMETRICS too! I;m not a beast but I felt good after words! I hydrated and fueled my body the right way and even took some berry's to work with me that night too. Yup I worked 12hrs that night also! I got home this morning and fell right to sleep and slept till 1400(2pm).
I completed Shoulders and Arms today and I do feel a little drained today, like I'm only at 65% energy level... Time to work another long 12hr night shift... and then in the morning I'm taking Boo out to breakfast1 She loves it when She gets to go to Breakfast with Daddy and I do too. After that, it's bed time till 1400 and then it's Yoga X before work(and no I didn't get to finish up the last session either, sorry!)Well I'm 3 days into week 2 and Iam starting to see some results in my performance just since last week, that's a good thing right? OK, back to work now, Post ya later!