Due to a laps of intelligent thought on my part, I scheduled myself to work part-time the night/morning going into the run. My day started at 1pm on Friday when I woke up. The rest of the day was my typical running around finishing up errands, spending time with Kennedy and all in all wasting time. that night I prepped my gear for the next day and headed into work for my 7hr shift from 11pm to 6am. Once I got off I changed out of my uniform and secured my weapon in the glove box of my vehicle(not at all worried about some bum taking my piece)... At around 7:30ish I moseyed down to registration and picked up my "chip" for timing purposes and waited in the lobby of the Hilton for the rest of my group to show up.
The weather was close to 40, but it felt colder than that due to the wind chill being around 30-33, but at least the rain had stopped around 2 that morning and it was now sunny. Sunny=warmth right? ...Wrong. It didn't warm up until about 1k into the run. The bad part was I had over layered and started to get over heated to fast, This is one of those learning curve moments in sport that you never repeat